Thanks, ultramarina, I will definitely check-out your thread about writing and grade level. There has been some concern in the past about my DS's motor abilities, so I feel we need to have this evaluated, but it is good to hear that his writing level is still within the norm for his grade.

seaturtle, I appreciate your advice and insight on how to most effectively interact with DS's teachers. I agree with your advice to give the classroom teacher a chance. We are going to meet with the GT Coordinator for our county and our local principal soon to learn more about the GT system in our area and hopefully to determine placement and an appropriate teacher for our DS next year. It is great to hear that your DD's first grade teacher is so talented at differentiating for each of her students. I hope that my children are fortunate enough to have some teachers like her in their future! I am planning to ask the school principal which of the 1st grade teachers she thinks would be best able to accommodate my DS's needs after telling her a bit about him. Hopefully, she will be able to steer us towards a teacher who will welcome my DS and all of his differences in her classroom.

Thanks for your input, St. Margaret. I certainly want to be respectful of my DS's teachers while working to ensure that he is offered work that is sufficiently challenging. This seems like the fine balance that needs to be achieved. I agree that phrases like "how to challenge" and "aim for a year's growth" are very positive and helpful, rather than confrontational. I hope to be able to navigate my way through the school system in a way that will be helpful in advocating for my son.