While I have a few ideas about fun "academic" summer activities for my 8 year old (current 3rd grader, turns 9 this summer), I know that the folks on this forum will have some great ideas that never crossed my mind.

Info on the kid...
Bright kid, clearly above average, but not HG/PG type of kid. She is currently at a language immersion school and has not had IQ testing. She is my neglected child since we spend a lot more time with our 9th grader and 12th grader - HS and travel sports, college apps, etc. She will attend the local public school in the fall, 4th grade.

The only test scores I can offer are Terra Nova and EXPLORE. She didn't qualify to take EXPLORE through C-MITES because she only scored 92nd percentile on the Terra Nova composite. She wanted to take the EXPLORE since DD17 did that in 3rd grade. I found NUMATS would take a 92nd percentile kid, so I signed her up. She prepped by doing the sample questions. She is not accelerated or afterschooled (beyond me, DD17 & DD15 trying to answer various random questions she asks).

EXPLORE scores: 14C (14E/14M/12R/15S)

I don't think she will respond well to a formal academic program. I was thinking maybe Life of Fred - she did the first two books a while ago, but maybe she is past the elementary ones now? They are doing multiple digit multiplication and very simple division at school right now. If she has the interest, is CodeAcademy too tough for a kid this age? She seems to like math and history.

I hope to have some time to spend with her this summer, though she will be in day camp for about 6 hours a day.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.