Joys, that sounds crazy. 99 on a level higher cognitive aptitude test and 99 and 97 on 3rd grade achievement tests? How in the world do they not include that in their gifted program. I could see 98 & 98 on same grade testing as a req, but two grades up? seems like those are more of 99.9%

We had a slightly similar story with a happy conclusion...

DS7 in 1st grade had feedback from a few sources that maybe he should be in the highly gifted program. Achievement tests were way there (and qualified him for regular gifted services,) but basically writing and some visual skill discrepancies kept him from an interview for the HG program.

Full time regular gifted programming doesn't start until 3rd grade. So, we met with the gifted coordinator to ask how we can challenge DS next year. And shortly into the meeting she said they had discussed him the week prior and thought he should be moved up to the 3rd grade gifted class next year. Which is exactly what we were preparing to pitch in the meeting.

So, finding someone in the school who sees in your kid what you also see is a huge benefit.