After barely missing the cutoff three years ago, my kiddo finally qualified for gifted in our state. He'll qualify for accelerated content in his core classes but still be allowed his accommodations in the IEP, so it is a win-win-win-win-win!

And for those of you who being told things that just don't sound right about your child, trust your gut. It has taken seven years and four rounds of testing to prove what I have known about him since he was a wee one. Had I accepted some of the opinions of some of the experts he saw over the years, he wouldn't have the opportunity to have appropriately challenging content next year. In fact, the neuropsych he saw this past summer tried to tell us his IQ was 90 and that we shouldn't set him up for failure but should be helping him prepare for jobs that would require manual labor. (Yes, that one still makes me mad a year and a half later.)

So if you see something that isn't coming out on paper due to the learning disabilities, persist in advocating.

Right now, I'm over the moon. I'm sure we'll have plenty of battles ahead dealing with what they'll allow for gifted and what they won't, but for today I'm just concentrating on my happy dance.