Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Why not just nod and smile, allow them to tell you what to do, and to interact with your child...

and then politely ignore it when they leave?

Passive aggressive, yes... on the other hand, it really sounds as though you've been backed into that corner. I'm sorry about that.

THIS is what we've been doing the last couple of months with DS3 (three as of yesterday ... aka freshly aged out of Early Intervention). He enjoyed his deep pressure OT treatment, he most of the time enjoyed his sessions with Developmental therapist who GOT THE POINT as soon as she met him and started bringing him non-age appropriate but fun for him things to do ... but Speech therapist and our son (and US) just couldn't get on the same page. She was freshly out of school and didn't seem to understand that this is not a "one size fits all" kind of thing. He would completely shut down for her. So we skipped a lot of sessions lately (and we WERE hit with the flu and other viruses pretty bad so weren't really making up stories) We had our last EI speech therapy on Monday. At that point he knew couple phrases and could say and read couple hundred words but wouldn't use much for communication other than the very basic (milk, jump, etc.) ... as of Thursday ... he's talking in full grammatically correct sentences. Still isn't much interested in talking but when he does, he IS now talking! ... this coming 2 months after being diagnosed with High Functioning Autism and I was told that we should teach him to communicate with pictures, after I told them he has a huge vocabulary that he just isn't using yet and can read almost all the words he knows (and their conclusion after a 30 minute session was that they cognitively and verbally assessed him at 6-12 months level).

He was just two weeks ago evaluated for the local public special ed and was offered the special ed preschool but we declined and very carefully agreed to speech, OT and social skills through the school. But I only really agreed because I already know the ST and OT he'll be working with (DS4.5 had them for a little while) and I know they will treat him well. And if he doesn't like it, I'll pull him out. He seems to improve much faster WITHOUT therapy then he does with therapy. He's a very happy little guy WITHOUT therapy ... and he's mad, sad, angry, shut down with therapy. So for us it's sort of a no-brainer right now.

DS4.5 was very similar. Not talking one day and suddenly talking in full sentences the next day (very close to his 3rd birthday). Could NOT stand speech therapy, but had fun with OT. We have friends whose kids are in ST and do very well but our kids just aren't wired the same way. I came to realize that more than anything, it's their perfectionism that caused the speech delays.

Last edited by Mk13; 03/16/13 09:57 AM.