Dd is 7, HG, no differentiating, and in 1st grade. Her complaining about going to school is escalating again. It's the same old complaints that she always has (mostly bored with the math). I have been unsuccessful to get the teacher to do any differentiating because the teacher doesn't see the need. The problem I see tainting the teacher's opinion is multi-faceted but I think at this point mostly has to do with dd's lack of effort put into her work. At home she will rush through her homework and do the bare minimum just to get it done and over with. I.e. last night's homework was to find 3-D shapes around the house and determine what shape the face of the object had. She could care less about it and just quickly scribbles down answers so she can be done. I'm guessing this is her approach to school work as well so in the teacher's mind she sees no reason to give dd harder work.

At the moment dd is interested in writing plays in her notebook. She is working on organizing a play with her friends/classmates and is writing out the parts. When it is something that interests her she has no problem putting in the effort. Otherwise, forget it.

School gets out the first week of June and next year she will be going to the G&T class. I have been telling her that school will hopefully be more interesting for her next year.

We were on vacation the past 2 days (skiing which she loves) and all I heard while on vacation was her crying/complaining about how she will have to go back to school. If I had it my way I would just keep her home more often but dh certainly wouldn't agree to it.

My guess is it's too late to talk to the teacher about it but I really would like to let her know how miserable dd is.