My DS5 was recently labeled as "gifted" by my school system. They do a mandatory series of tests in Kindergarten to help identify children that are behind as well as the advanced learners. He scored a 90 on his NNAT2 Naglieri and on his NWEA tests he scored a 99 in Reading and a 98 in Math. Our school district has a special G/T exclusive school that he has been invited to attend next year. We will certainly take advantage of that wonderful opportunity.

I'm curious, however, about what this set of scores actually mean. I know that they are not a true measure of IQ and honestly have no idea of what his IQ is. I also know that there are levels of giftedness. Again, I don't know how gifted he is, but based on the descriptions I've read I'd guess that he is "mildly gifted". But who knows, maybe I'm selling him short.

Does anyone have any insight or opinions on this set of tests and his scores? I'm just trying to better understand him, really.