Originally Posted by hjb
We're a pretty typical family with lots of interests, none necessarily taking precedent over another (or another member in the family). This step scares me as seemingly something that will take over. (24/7 all about "the smart one"). Does that make sense???


Think of it as your family has 3 girls with different interest. One is sport and pretty good in gymnastics and in competitive level. The other is into soccer. But the last one is a bookworm and not into sports at all. As a parent, you try to encourage all the kids of what they want to do especially you see potential in there. You may have to go with your DD to gymnastic competition across the state while your husband may have to take other DD to soccer practices and other to the library.

Having gifted kids academically is not much different from kid having talent in sports like swimming, basketball, etc.... Instead of practicing, they need extra or more challenging classes. The only difference is that there are a lot of opportunities out there for talented sporty children. People will cheer for you and encourage you. For our gufted kids, we are on our own. We have to advocate all the way for them.

But you found the perfect place. It's always a challenge to balance among all your children but you don't want to leave the gifted kid left unchallenged.