After the horrid experience we went through this past summer with a private practice neuropsychologist who basically decided our son was best fitted for manual labor (this is what he wrote in the report) based on scores of the testing he'd done, we are finally getting a new IQ test through the school. Late last year, I reached out to the Depart of Twice Exceptional (had no idea that we even had such a thing), and they have taken the lead in making sure the testing takes into account his learning disabilities and behavioral challenges.

In fact, the diagnostician they specified for testing is the same one I had talked to last summer before I found out our insurance wouldn't cover testing through her. She has experience with twice exceptional and called me for a lengthy conversation about our son's challenges, previous testing, strengths, etc. She said she received written recommendations from every one of his teachers sharing anecdotal evidence of his high IQ and all stated that the regular classroom was not the best fit for him.

He gets tested in just a few weeks, and we're all aware that he may still not score where we want him to given the scatter and the performance on testing in the past, but at least this will be a better chance.

Just doing a happy dance today and, since this isn't quite the thing you celebrate on Facebook or tell your friends who don't understand why it matters so much, thought I'd share the news with you all here!