Hi Everyone!

I am somewhat new to this forum; I joined about a year ago when trying to identify my DS10 for the G&T program at school. I really appreciated all the feedback and insight while going through all that, and so here I am again with another issue!

We recently found out that DS10 has a very big discrepancy between his VCI and WMI on the WISC , with a 32 point discrepancy between PRI and PSI.

We had a full scale assessment done after he was taking a VERY long time doing homework that the teacher claimed should take no more than 30 mins to complete. He also has not been finishing his math tests. He is currently at an Academic magnet where all kids enter going into advanced courses in all subjects. Ironically, he's still getting A's, B's and high C's even though not finishing all work. We've basically gone through the year getting onto him and thinking he's just been lazy, and now feeling very bad now because there is actually a problem.
Here are the scores:
VCI - 132
PRI - 135
WMI - 107 (68th)
PSI - 103 (58th)
FSIQ - 128
GAI - 140

The assessor said the GAI was a better representation of his cognitive ability, but I am wondering how it could be higher than any of the others?

His achievement in Math fluency (47th) was very low as well, but on the un-timed math portion 99th percentile.

1. Has anyone tried Cogmed for Working Memory, and if so has it worked?
2. How long does it normally take to get an IEP in place? The psychologist wrote specific suggestions in the report to improve achievement (longer time for tests, less homework if showing mastery, etc)
3. He qualified for the EXPLORE test, but I am thinking we won't do well since it's another timed test, which he doesn't perform to his best ability. Does anyone know if ACT would accommodate for extra time if there is evidence of a processing discrepancy? Is this test even worth it? Or do I have what I need with the WISC and Achievement scores?

This week I'll be trying to get the ball rolling on making accommodations in school.
Wish me luck!
Thanks in advance for any feedback! And sorry for the long post!