My DD7 has amazing verbal skills, evidenced both both strong and early language skills and an IQ test. She also has strong reading skills for a 1st grader, reading Harry Potter and Roald Dahl.

However, she detests reading and refuses to read for more than about 10 minutes, with that interrupted with "can I stop now" and "I hate this."

She does have strabismus in one eye. (Her eye wanders outwards.) So far, the opthamologist hasn't had her wear glasses or do more than very minimal patching. I thought we were home free when she successfully started reading, though I wonder if her "less than perfect" eye makes reading a lot of work. I will be seeing the opthamologist soon and plan to raise whether her strabismus is impacting her reading endurance or ease. I fear, though, I will simply be told "not every child likes to read" and have my concern dismissed. (Sounds cynical, but I've kind of been down this road before.)

She also ended 4 years of OT with dismal visual-motor delays. She was a preemie with sensory issues and detested anything in her hands. I have her scheduled for a new OT evaluation, specifically to test for and address visual/motor issues. I wonder if she might have difficulty tracking the words in a sentence, etc., making reading a difficult burden.

Lastly, she may be trying to read books that simply are too challenging or too difficult either for her reading level or for her ability to read given her possible visual (strabismus and visual/motor) issues. Her twin brother taught himself to read at an exceedingly high level. She may feel a pressure to read books at his level, even though they are above hers, resulting in her finding reading simply a very difficult, unenjoyable task.

I would love to hear thoughts or suggestions from people who have insights or experience with this.

Thank you!

Last edited by Mom2277; 02/28/13 02:19 PM.