Thanks so much for the advice everyone! The psychologist intern (not the regular school psychologist) said they should send the test reports tomorrow so hopefully that will be enlightening. I'm assuming she's the one who administered the test because she was the one who has been in contact with me since then.

Ds said the testing was all in one sitting on Friday morning. When I asked him if he had any breaks, he said he got up to get a tissue but that was it. He said he missed gym class but was back with his class in time for lunch and he was glad it wasn't a library day or he would have missed getting new books! He had been out sick on Wednesday of that week and still had a low grade fever on Thursday so he might not have been feeling up-to-par yet on Friday. He says he felt rushed during the process. Now I know I need to take all this and remember this is all from the 6-year-old's point of view until I get the report. 😀

If I remember correctly, the school discouraged testing before third grade because they felt the younger students haven't had as much formal exposure to the things on the tests and had a better chance of scoring higher after more years of schooling. It was supposed to be due to inexperience.

Thanks again everyone. I'll be back in touch after I get the report.