Originally Posted by frannieandejsmom
The director of math is very firm on beliefs that children are not ready to learn complicated math. He thinks ds has no real understanding of math. That he has memorized his math facts and can't explain how he got to that point. He kept referring back to common core. He also said that a first grader should not be working on multiplication and division... developmentally they aren't capable of learning these concepts.

Pffft. (sigh)

(that was all I was going to write, but I feel compelled to add: WHAT A DORK)

Sorry you had to deal with that.

I'm very, very angry at the moment, for similar reasons. Let's just say I've had a LOVELY, LOVELY day with the "public school typicals" who can't handle my kid's 2e/ADHD. They can bite me.

(Sorry, were we talking about math? oh yeah. In first grade he could multiply and divide and manipulate negative numbers and fractions... he could have taken a number line and tied all the crazy administrators up with it)

Not capable MY A**.

Last edited by CCN; 02/21/13 06:01 PM.