In both Algebra & Geometry, his teachers said he participated in classroom discussions while always demonstrating an understanding at a level that left neither teacher concerned.

When asked about his favorite subjects, Geometry is always right up there with concert band. It was the same with Algebra last year. He's moved beyond the visceral hatred he had for the subject when he was quasi-homeschooled for the subject for 5th, 6th & 7th grades.

Part of me thinks I'm over-reacting, but the rational me is fearful that, placated with easy As, he'll not develop the discipline required for success in STEM. Admittedly, there's a bit of reflection, as I vividly recall bolting from my first college Calculus course, realizing that I had absolutely no idea how to work that hard.

How do you look a kid with a 4.0 and say, "I think you need to work harder!"?

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz