I guess it's not surprising that no one has weighed in on the side that "rehabilitation" alone is the best course of action. All of this confirms my thoughts that this school is not a match.

Yesterday we got word that the superintendent approved placing DD in a different elementary school within the district for next year. This could have been a good solution (and we requested it repeatedly) last year when we were battling with the unreasonable principal. Now, though, I think the writing is on the wall that DD needs out of district placement. Hopefully the superintendent's position indicates our path forward will be a bit easier than if she took the position that our current school is meeting her needs...

Will keep you posted as we move forward.

p.s. MON: We will only consider placements at schools that keep out kids with behavior/conduct issues or who are aggressive. Both the LD school and the 2E school have that exclusion. I think most of the "approved" spec ed schools in the state include kids with emotional and behavior issues. I think this will be a big part of our argument to get them to pay for the 2E school instead.