I just signed up the girls at Score which I think is similar to Kumon, but I never went to Kumon, so I haven't checked it out.

The cost roughly works out to a little less than $22 per hour.
They are not tutored privately, they are working independently on a computer which delivers questions. A tutor stands around and answers questions for up to six kids. Although, if you go at the right times, it's only my two kids.

They like it.
We had another achievement assessment for DD8(included in cost) which gives us additional info about where we think her learning readiness level is.
They told us DD5 would understand and be able to use phonics by the end of her program, which she is on track to finish it in a few weeks. She sight reads and memorizes, I fully doubted they could do what they say, but I'm starting to see a glimmer of what they were talking about, althought the jury is still out.
DD8 is actually very challenged for 2 hours a week. This has been rough on her little ego. But,
The center is focused on positive reinforcement so there are high fives, cheering and the kids earn score cards to turn in for prizes.

No, I don't work for Score smile
