I know what you mean about books. I will read many of them and will get a glimmer of idea from each one. But, when you put the book down you still have a child with very unique needs. The educational system and the thinking of most people don't naturally accommodate them.

Realistically, probably thousands of children failed for every success story. But it's the educational system and people's way of rigid thinking that failed them. Research such as the Eides' is just a drop in the bucket that may contribute to a future where these children will be more understood and serviced.

The elementary years at school is extremely focused on all the things that your son and many other 2E children find the most challenging. Their first experience with education is very negative and an unfair playing field. I guess we have to keep our 2E children buoyant long enough to get them to a place where their strengths can reveal themselves.

I think it's very sympathetic for you to say it's even harder for your DS. That compassion I'm sure he'll notice and it will make it easier for him to face the world.