Hi, everyone -

I recently had a conversation with a parent at my son's school whose daughter is also advanced for her grade level. Both our children are in kindergarten (although in different classes) but are at second grade level in math. They both receive differentiated homework. However, this mom wants to explore options for further differentiation for her daughter, and by extension any child who could benefit from it. To that end, she would like to identify other parents of similarly advanced children both in kindergarten and first grade. The idea is that having a critical mass of concerned parents would make any discussion of a further differentiated curriculum more meaningful to the school's administration. I told her I would help her as much as I could, but I am wondering what are some issues that we should be aware of.

First, I wonder how we should go about identifying these parents. Aside from the ones I know personally or whose children's reputations precede them, how would we know who is likely to be interested in this?

Secondly, once we do get a group together, what are specific things that we should ask for that would maximize our opportunities for success? Obviously, we will all have different individual goals, but I think that most of us just want the curriculum to be more challenging and engaging for our advanced children. What have other parents found to be successful in their discussions with their schools' teachers and principals? I know that every school is different, but we are so new to all this, that it would be helpful to have an idea of parameters and what is realistically possible.

Thanks so much!
