I know that the Lexile is more of a guide than an absolute. I think what his teacher is trying to do is to encourage my son to use it as a general guideline to help him find books in his range. My son has told me several times that books just don't challenge him.

I went to the Barnes and Noble website and used the Lexile Book Wizard... the second book that came up under his range was "Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices"... (which is ironic since I am an RN considering returning to school to complete my degree with an emphasis on health information management... anyway, I digress)... That is the type of thing that keeps coming up in his range.

I'm not treating the Lexile as the "be all end all" but I do want to help him find books that he is interested in and that will still challenge him. This is just he best way I know how to do it based on the information that is coming home from school. I am completely fine with him reading a wide variety (and I encourage him to), but he really should read some more challenging books now and then. I'm really not a nazi about this with him. I just want to provide a way for him to expand his reading options.

I have been to Hoagie's website many times. I'll check over the list again, but if I remember correctly, there are no guidelines as far as reading ability go. It may have been updated though. I'll check it out! Thank you!