I think we'll be relying on the psych's rec for the IEP based on a combination of assessments...not straight IQ scores? We are actually returning to the district after homeschooling and it looks like they will re-invoke his GIEP based on his old WISC. So if they don't recognize the WJ and he doesn't score gifted, it could turn out to my advantage.

I don't know...I'm nervous. It's important that transition to ps all go well. He needs to qualify for gifted (after all he was 98%ile of gifted kids taking the explore) AND have support for a minimal IEP because otherwise he will never know when tests are
or what homework to do.

Under 2 different testing scenarios, my IQ "dropped" from 143 to 127 as a kid, so I know how terribly wrong things can go. I lost access to gifted services I really needed and was very qualified for.