He started K last year but finished the year in first.

He is now in 2nd in a 2/3 split class.

He is grouped in the higher ability second grade groups for math and reading. And on the testing they do three times/year, he was barely still on the grid for reading in the fall. Even the test results said, "consider individualized instruction." I am still waiting for winter results.

He is happy when he has free time or time with friends. Last week was more relaxed at school, per his teacher, and his mood compared to weeks prior was very different. Happy...not the crying mess he was the week before...and for no apparent reason.

He has sometimes said he is bored at school. When I ask point blank if he thinks it is easy or hard, he says hard. I think, though, he is very much a six year old boy when it comes to writing, and his hand can't keep pace with his brain. I have no desire to move him up more. He hates homework. It's often a fight as little as he even has. His chief complaint is that he is the smallest in his class (I couldn't promise him that wouldn't be the case even if he were with same age peers in first grade. He's a little guy).

His grades this year for first and second grading periods are as follows. And this is with minimal effort outside of school:

Lang. Arts: 101. 101
Reading: 97. 95
Math: 94. 97
Social studies: 100. 98
Science: 100. 98

Oh...and he is not easy to read at all! Well unless he is his nervous self in a social setting. He often has anxiety on Sunday nights. It gets better as the week goes on. He tends to try to hide his true feelings about a lot of things. He rarely shows excitement even at home. His teachers think he is great and doing great. I fear his laziness is going to be encouraged by getting As and not having to work hard for them....among other skills I didn't learn until later in life wink