Updating...teacher is trying a bit harder these days. She's getting some "special" worksheets for math that she enjoys. The teacher reported that she was embarrassed to do them, and that she is aware that DD doesn't like to appear different and is trying to be cautious about allowing her. She also wants her to start showing self-advocacy and extend herself...if the teacher says "write two sentences", DD should write 3-5, and more complex than her classmates.

She does seem aware that DD is capable of this, at least, but I don't know if it's appropriate or not to ask a K student to do this for herself, especially since I'm not sure if the teacher ever told her she's supposed to be doing this.

She *is* allowed to read whatever AR book she wants. I have helped instruct her to pick more difficult ones and she's done two in the last two weeks, setting a new record, and both were late 2nd/early 3rd books,which I'm okay with.

Of course, DD is still not 100% happy with the situation. we're giving it a bit more time, as it is improving a bit. But we're making strides to make it work better, too, including explaining to her that she's getting nightly extension homework from us. And pursuing the steps we need to take to homeschool, so we have all bases covered.