Do any of you have MG/HG/PG kids who love team sports?
If so, did your kids always love them? Did it take time?

DS8 plays team sports but his focus is downright embarrassing sometimes. I am not talking about his skill level. While he is tall for his age, his sports teams are often grade based so, with a late birthday, he ends up with kids who are at least a full year to year and a half older (and much larger and more focused). When they are age based, he ends up with kids who are sometimes two grades younger (and often more skilled).

It's just that, during warm ups, he'll try to start a game of tag. During the game, he'll try to get the attention of kids a court over or he'll engage the kid he's guarding in a conversation about legos. Oh sometimes he'll get a basket or hit the ball into the outfield, but still...

DH coaches so maybe that doesn't help. I should mention, his teachers say he is the most well-behaved and direction oriented kid in class. He's fine at his piano lessons.

I am wondering if it's a lost cause as far as team sports goes. It's the same for any other team sport he's played. DH and I loved team sports as kids and we would dearly love if DS derived some enjoyment as well. DS hasn't asked to stop playing yet and we are hoping a love for a game kicks in.

Anyhoo...any hope out there??
Thank you