My son skipped K and is in 1st this year. He actually loves school for the first time, which is great. My question is, how do I know if I am providing the right balance of filling in knowledge gaps, challenging him in some ways, and providing him appropriate social interactions. I know that he is learning new things in first grade (like science, art, social studies) but it is definitely very easy for him. The grade skip relieved his boredom in this way, however I would also like him to be challenged, so that he learns how to work hard. He is a kid who is happy to have things be easy for him as long as he is not bored. He os capable of 2nd or 3rd grade math but would be missing things, and he can read at a minimum of a 4th grade level, but writes appropriately for a first grader. I have him in music lessons after school, which is a great challenge for him, but is that enough? I also started him on learning Chinese with Rosetta Stone and he likes that. I can't imagine school being difficult for him until maybe high school because what he really needs is a faster pace. Do you think he will turn out ok if I leave things the way they are now? Gifted starts in 3rd and I think they combine 2 years of math in one year, but the other subjects I think just go more in depth but follow the normal curriculum pace. Thanks for your thoughts!