Having just joined this forum a couple of weeks ago, I have had an interesting time reading on here. In fact, I feel I have spent way too much time reading on here; hence my question.

From early on in my son's life, other people have asked me if I was going to have him "tested". I think to many that know him, it is pretty obvious that he is gifted to some extent. However, since I had always (since before he was born) planned on homeschooling, I didn't see the point. Yes, he is quick and intelligent, but what is the point of knowing "how much". But after so much reading, and my eyes being opened to the fact that there is such a broad range of gifted, and that every level of gifted has different needs, etc..I am starting to wonder if I should test him. Also, after so much reading, sometimes I start to wonder and second guess myself. Sometimes, I think, maybe he would be more normal, if my husband and I weren't such "nerd" parents that provided such strange things for our son to "study". Then I tell myself, that it is him, not us. I never told him to study about US presidents...he just found a book he had to have and then, wham, he knows it. But I still find myself questioning if he really is as bright as I think he is. Is this a good reason to test? Or are there other good reasons? With homeschooling being the plan until at least middle school, is there any point to testing now. Will it change how I go about homeschooling him - how hard I push, how much I let him direct the learning? For those of you that test your kids so young - what are your motivations outside of placement in public/private school? And what are the benefits to you and to your child?

BTW, he just barely turned five a couple of weeks ago, so he is technically Kindergarten-age in August. But when he turned five, I decided to actually start a bit of more structured homeschooling to get him used to it.

Thanks for you thoughts and help.