Thanks for the replies. I appreciate the help!

I took him in originally because of concern about perfectionism. He's great at math, for example, but thinks he's bad. Now I'm thinking maybe that's because it's slower and harder for him. He still gets everything right - it just takes longer. My concerns were more toward anxiety. He stresses about homework, tests, etc. although he's never had difficulty.

I have met with her once to get the results, and she did go into detail on some of the issues. I never before considered a vision problem, for example. As polarbear said, I'm now coming up with all sorts of further questions. I haven't received the full written report yet - so was holding off until I get that before I get back to her.

Can part of this be due to the fear of being wrong? I know his biggest fear is being embarrassed (by being wrong). Could that explain some of the lower scores?

He does very well in school. We haven't had any concerns in that area ever. BUT, the work has never been challenging, either. So it's definitely something we need to consider BEFORE he gets to the point where the work is more difficult.

As for the previous subtests scores, here they are:

Similarities 17
Vocabulary 18
Comprehension 11

Block design 16
Picture concepts 18
Matrix reasoning 14

Digit span 15
Letter-number sequencing 10

Coding 10
Symbol search 13