DS10 is taking the SAT on the 26th. Almost no prep yet (Maybe he will have time for a couple practice tests before he goes) We signed him up via paper and it will be held at a local HS with no accomadations. I don't expect it to be a big deal, although he is about 75-80 lbs and about 4 10 (and a 1/2, as he says). After reading this I will help him with answers for questions from HS students during the break. I am a little concerned about PSAT issues for National Merit down the road. However thats down the road a bit. He is mostly trying for SET and does not expect to make it this time, But maybe. The written part is just for fun, and he should try to do his best on the Language arts but not much is expected, its not his strong suit. I do worry about burn out because of the test leangth, hopefully he does not get bogged down in it.

Last edited by Edwin; 01/09/13 06:43 PM.