thank you for your stories!

the more I'm looking at this report I received, the more I'm finding it rather useless and not reflecting reality. While they acknowledged his intelligence as we were talking, none of it is really in the report. He's 33 months old now and these are his scores ...

Expressive language - 18 months level
Receptive language - 6-9 months
Non-verbal cognitive (I'd think this is where the intelligence would come into play, right?) - 28 months

... all this based on about 40-minute assessment. It's as if they only based the report on all the things he does not do and didn't put in anything he DOES do! His "problem" has always been that he refuses to do anything "age appropriate" and chooses to do things beyond his age.

I talked about all this with his developmental therapist and she too doesn't agree with the report. She said he's clearly gifted and certainly not delayed the way they had him marked. I honestly don't think they had much experience with gifted kids. So we'll just keep going with some therapies that we find useful and once he starts communicating better and gets a little older, we'll just have to do an actual assessment with someone who has experience with kids like our son.