I don't have a background in either teaching or gifted education (other than what I know from having friends who are teachers, parents who were teachers, and from advocating for my kids at school)... but I have a background of having pursued a degree and career in a field that has had it's ups and downs in terms of jobs available, cutbacks, upswings etc. My advice is that the best thing to do is simply to follow your heart - definitely do your research into what options are available and what degree will help you get to where you want to go, so you won't be making *bad* choices - but if it comes down to knowing basically what you want, but being afraid that the road ahead doesn't look promising re employment or opportunities, keep in mind that having a passion for what you do really does make a difference as you move forward - so don't necessarily discount what *you* want to study and the direction you want to go - follow your heart!

And good luck smile
