I think you took a long way around to answer your own question.

At this age, he has enough and varied interests to keep him engaged in the world around him.

Sounds good to me. Watch for this to change, though, and be ready to react. There's little else anyone else can say to you than that, because there are no hard and fast rules, what works for one kid may be a disaster for another, and you know your kid best.

And obviously, with all the achievement stuff, don't be like your mom, which I think you're already implying. Sometimes "good enough" really is good enough. My mom took the opposite approach... she was so happy to have a kid bringing home mostly A's that B's were something to joke about, and even the one C I brought home barely generated comment. And she still told people I was a "straight-A student." It took letters coming home the last semester of my senior year about excessive truancies for my mom to actually become concerned about my school work... one of the few semesters I brought home all A's, interestingly enough.

And yet, here I am, posting this when I should be working, so I question the link between parental pressure and work ethic. I think the more likely explanation is we're both lazy because we spent most of our developmental years in an educational environment that was way too easy.

That parental pressure may be at least partly to blame for the risk-avoidance, though.