I realize that this is likely the "million dollar question" . . . but I'm asking it anyway, because I have been trying to formulate my thoughts and they keep coming back to this.

How do you know? How do you know how hard or far to "push" . . . how do you know how to maximize opportunity, while protecting childhood and age-mate friendships?

Our 2nd grade son will be accelerating into 3rd grade reading and math classes after winter break. It was suggested that the potential for him to go into 4th grade next fall, potentially doing 5th grade reading and math after THAT winter break, is a very real option. He'd then go into 6th grade in what would normally be his 4th grade year, however that would put him into our local middle school project which allows for easier acceleration and isn't as tied to "grades / age-level" like our elementary schools are.

So . . . with this comes all of the feelings of uncertainty, excitement, hope, you know the drill. Transitions and change have long been difficult for him, however he is excited about going into 3rd grade classes for the challenge . . . even though we know it won't be a challenge since he actually performs at a much higher level, like most of the kiddos here I'm guessing.

My other challenge is other adults. I realize this is MY challenge, or OUR challenge (but the hubs doesn't let things like this really register on his radar, and I am a teacher, so I hear it / feel it more). I hate feeling like I'm "bragging" whenever I ask for the thoughts of others on his progress and the decisions that we're facing. I hate the "don't you worry about him not being with his same-age peers" comments when we talk about acceleration.

I mean . . . yes, we do think about those things, but I've also read enough research and done enough thinking to realize that keeping with him kids his age purely for being with kids his age is the most ridiculous thing we can do. How

I guess I'm just new to this and looking for thoughts / support / advice . . .

I don't need to please other people or have them agree with me . . . but it is just another element in all of this. We do have wonderful support in our school, and I've been put in touch with a couple of local parents who will no doubt be great resources for us . . . but but but! smile

So much to think about. In short . . . how do you help your kiddos adjust to acceleration changes? How do you politely tell adults who think they know what is best for them to buzz off unless they put the time into knowing your child and the research? wink How do you know how far to push / encourage your child while keeping the love of learning? Are baby steps a valid option even though it doesn't necessarily reach him at his level?

Last edited by boysmom77; 12/28/12 10:34 AM.