If your question is really "what is Asperger's syndrome and how is it different from/the same as being just plain gifted?" I would suggest the book by James Webb: Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults. Gives a wonderful summary of similarities and how gifted children/adults often get the misdiagnosis of Asperger's. This addendeum to the book speaks to the common misdiagnosis of gifted children: http://www.sengifted.org/articles_counseling/Amend_MisdiagnosisOfAspergersDisorder.shtml

Because much of what is described in symptoms of Asperger's relies on an assessment of interests, habits and social interactions it would be impossible to make a diagnosis based on a youtube video. But Ania, I certainly understand your curiosity and believe you should continue to seek more info to understand the matter more fully. It's a good question that should be asked. Maybe just not about a specific person.