Okay, so DH and I just got done with the phone interview with the school psych. Mostly we were giving her more info but she did give us a little more info about his assessments as well. His IQ scores were as follows:
FSIQ 129
Verbal 114 (82 percentile)
Perceptual 135 (99 percentile)
Working memory 135 (99 percentile)
Processing Speed 88 (21 percentile)

The ADOS, as I mentioned before, was "complicated", to say the least, by DS's either refusal or inability to participate in parts of the screening. He wouldn't even look at the picture book that he was supposed to look at and say what was happening. He got angry with her for using toys for anything other than their intended purpose and just didn't, as she said, "play ball".

She also gave us some highlights from the Behavioral Assessments that his teachers (four of them) turned in. 'Acting Out' scored high from two teachers and at risk from two others. 'Internalizing/Anxiety' scored high from his primary teacher and at risk from one other. 'Rule Breaking' was a problem with three out of four teachers and 'Social Withdrawal' was considered high by two teachers and at risk by the other two.

I don't know what to make of any of this and she hasn't done her report yet except that obviously the processing speed score is a HUGE departure from the other scores. The verbal score was also surprising to me but it sounds like he wasn't being too cooperative there. She will complete that soon and we will get the complete report, scores, interpretations, etc after the Christmas break.