DD was never diagnosed with SPD, but looked SPD-ish until about age 5 or 6. She is a sensory seeker, not an avoider like many gifted kids. This was manifested through a desire to scream (in fun), make crazy noises, wrestle, throw herself around, and swing and spin. She also chewed/sucked her hair. All this seemed to pretty much go away as the K year went on, such that I felt her sensory stuff seemed mostly normal by 1st, although she still loved scary rides and swings. (She's now almost 9.)

Just in the past 3-4 months I've seen this reemerge very strongly. She seems to need go outside and scream and act just totally wild (I mean, really wild, not typical kid stuff for a girl her age) for at least an hour a day. I of course let her do this, but it's a change. She's also chewing her hair again (yuck).

She has a controlling and strict teacher this year. She has really done quite well in this environment given her other challenges; I'm impressed that we have only had two notes home and no behavioral consequences administered, and she has maintained straight As. (She is at a gifted school, so straight As are no longer the cakewalk they once were.) While this is her worst year behaviorally so far, it's really a colossal teacher mismatch for her. Could SPD remanifest in response to this or other stress?

I have an OT referral for her but we felt we didn't really need it and were concentrating more on other needs.