Try to find books that will engage him and his mathy and sciencey side.

How about George's Secret Key to the Universe (by Steven Hawking and his daughter combines a story and science stuff) and a sequel George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt?

How about biographies about famous mathematicians and scientists and NASA people? There is a book called Rocket Boys (or alternate title October Sky) that is terrific (a bit of mature stuff so you might want to preread it) but that just depends on how fussy you are about that.

Also, magazines count too...Odyssey, Ask,Kids Discover magazine are so much fun to get in the mail...all science (but then you might want to look for something even higher level).

Then my next suggestion is that you read aloud to him or with him. With my boys I might read the first chapter of a book they aren't sure about and then the next thing I know they are asking me if they can read ahead on their own. Another thing we do is alternate two pages. I read two pages and then my son will read two pages to me. And the third thing is audio books. Get the audio book AND a copy of the book and have him follow along.

The thing is you know he can read, you know he reads above level and his comprehension is fine. What you are working on is finding out how to help him enjoy reading and you need to use whatever strategies will work. I think that is important for boys to see my husband read for pleasure and have him read to them so that they know boys enjoy reading too.

Also check out for ideas for reluctant readers.

And the last thing is my kids know that not every book is a "keeper". You run across duds. So we check out more books than we need and are not afraid to just abandon a book that is drudgery and look for a book that is a better fit (I will say that I have a hard time doing that personally, but I have made it okay with my boys). I understand school libraries rule of 2 books for each kid (to cut down on lost books and to have enough for all) but we always have a huge stack of additional possible books from the public library.

Last edited by Sweetie; 12/16/12 09:17 AM. Reason: extraneous word

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary