Ha, why didn't someone tell me I should have been an ENGINEER!!
I'm quite offended by arbitrary rules that aren't apparantly sensical!

I agree that work ethic is very important. We all have to do things that are "beneath" us. I don't quite like scrubbing the toilets and getting on my hands and knees to disinfect the bathroom floors. Hey, I used to manage millions of dollars and trade stocks for a living. But if I don't scrub the toilet, it will get really nasty and stinky around here!!!!

My father wanted to send me to Antioch in Yellow Springs Ohio, but we couldn't quite get the funds together. I went to a non-descript state college in the middle east. Not a bad school, certainly nothing to get excited about.

I went on to work on wall street at a very prestigous investment firm. For sure my little rinky dink state school diploma didn't get me there. By sheer will of who I was and what I wanted, that's what made it happen.