Apparently, the reason the school (or maybe the whole school system, I'm not entirely clear on that) requires that he is only graded on basic math is because of parent complaints. Some parents whose children were doing advanced math got upset because their kids actually had to learn something, and didn't make the Principal's List because of it. Their idea was that their kids have to work harder for the same grade, blah, blah, blah....
I had a talk with DS last night about his plans for the future. He has decided that he wants to go to MIT (I need to start putting more in his college savings account!) and become an engineer. I told him that even though it might be unfair, MIT does not accept everyone, and they will look at his grades and test scores to see if he can go there. Of course, that made him all nervous because, at ten years old, he is now worried that he will not get into college. (Sigh). I think he has it worked out in his mind now, so hopefully he will be able to bring up that grade without freaking himself out about it. We'll see how that works.