Finally bit the bullet and am encouraging DS~7 to do more math outside of school mostly because placement achievement tests are looking at levels beyond grade. From 1st grade, to push his edge out further means better multiplication skills. I've gone over tricks for calculating, got him his own flash cards to play with, did a little bit of manipulatives for framing multiplication.

Last night, I mentioned a "trick" to him.
Me: "Y'know instead of calculating, you could just memorize all of the answers."
Him: "Isn't that kinda cheating?"
I gave him a conspiratorial "Shhh"

Don't know if he'll run with that idea. But it could just as easily backfire due to his abstract sense of justice and not wanting to "cheat."

Curious if others faced with kids who given four choices will always carefully negotiate for a fifth, who detect most subterfuges, see reverse psychology from a mile away, if pushed suddenly get dumb, etc. have other tricky techniques in their arsenals?