Due to some issues in school my 5 year old son had the RIAS (Reynolds Intellectual Assesment) completed on him this week by the school pshycologist.

While I expected he might fall in that gifted range I was unprepared for her to tell us he had a total composite score of 160+ with his verbal reasoning at 147 and non verbal at 156. From what I understand the test maxs out at 160 so it becomes fairly inaccurate at those higher ranges.

I am now debating if I should spend the time to get the Standford Binet completed on him so he can apply for groups such as the Davidson institute.

My question is do any of you have experience with the RIAS being completey incorrect and scored way too high? How does it compare to some of the other more extensive tests? He is not quite 5 and a half and I am wondering if it is worth getting
further testing now so I can confirm if he is truly in a higher gifted range or since I am getting such great support from his school as it is that I just leave it alone until the need arises for further testing.