Thanks, Lisa! We have this same problem. In fact, this is why we (I, actually--DH doesn't take DD biking) invested in a tandem bike about a year ago, after a lovely vacation ride. DD learned to ride a bike pretty quickly, so that wasn't it--I just got tired of yelling, "keep to the right"--"no, the other right"--"no, all the way to the right"--"okay look at the path and divide it in half..."--"look out! there's someone passing you now, so really keep right!". I think on the tandem she just coasts most of the time, but it's a lot nicer when I can get her to go with me mostly because I don't have to yell all the time smile

With the grocery store, she can do pretty well about space but I have to remind a lot and there is *constant* negotiation in every single aisle about what she might be able to put in the cart or buy with her allowance money, etc. etc. smile Thanks for the post.