DS4 already has a PDD-NOS diagnosis from couple months ago and there will be more testing done shortly to check for Asperger's rather than the PDD-NOS and DS2.7 is awaiting a developmental screening for autism soon. While with the older one I do believe the mild autism diagnosis is probably correct (though we have seen HUGE decrease in symptoms in the last 3 weeks due to dietary changes), with the younger one who presents MORE autistic than the older one, I just still can't believe he would be autistic. I will be fine with whatever diagnosis (or lack of) we receive but the younger one is the one who does some incredible things and I am pretty sure his IQ will be way up there somewhere (not a prodigy but high). I am just afraid that we will get an autism diagnosis for a child that does NOT have it ... a child that simply prefers to run his own world the way he likes it and doesn't like people telling him that it's the "wrong" way based on "normalcy" ... he is NOT a normal child so why does majority of people expect him to do the things most children his age do? So what if he's not interested in playing with Play-Doh and at at 2.5 years old prefers to play crossword puzzle on his brother's Leappad? lol

The younger one is in Early Intervention receiving therapies based on the EI evaluations (placing him way behind in development when he was tested at 25 months) ... but fortunately he has therapists who see him for who he is and are not trying to break him. And they do agree that the early childhood screening results are way off for him (where he may be more than 1 full year behind in some area while 4-5 years ahead in other areas). so even the therapists are puzzled by him and can't wait for us to get some official testing done because as they say they have "never worked with a child like him"

Anyways, I know I am just rambling but I always wonder how many children with presumed autism are little Einsteins that fell through the cracks?