Originally Posted by Momma Bear
Thanks for the great words of wisdom from all!

I don't want to "shot myself in the foot" as HowlerKarma said. We are looking at an elite high school but I don't think it will hurt him not to have the weighted grades now since he really does fine without it. He's also doing great on his test high school course that he's taking right now. Once he's officially taking them it will just show as pass/fail for any he takes now on his high school transcripts, so I think I'm leaning towards letting it go.

Now that part I might quibble about. If he's taking actual high school classes, I'd want him to get actual high school grades. The fact that my son took algebra 1 honors a couple of years earlier than his agemates doesn't mean he did any less work or learned any less than did they, and by golly, he deserves the 5 points toward his GPA as much as they do. (And actually, I just brought this to his counselor's attention this morning: the three classes he took at the brick and mortar school are being counted, but his state-run virtual school classes have not been. Thus far. In his case, it makes a difference between a 4.333 and a 4.642 on his GPA, and thus his class rank, so it's worth the battle.)

Last edited by eldertree; 11/12/12 07:24 AM. Reason: typo

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