My DD was tested when she was 4.8 yrs and found to be profoundly gifted with 150+ score on the WPPSI. She is currently in 2nd grade at a school for gifted children.
Her brother was just tested yesterday at age 4.5 and his score came back 18 points lower!!

My gut is telling me that there is something wrong here. His personality is different than hers, but we still see many similarities in learning.
The Dr. who gave the test was running 20 min. late, was rushing, didn't get his background information, etc. When she was done she sent him back to the lobby with me. THEN she called him back in because she forgot to give him part of the test!!!!

My question:
Has anyone had experiences with siblings with THAT much of a gap where there wasn't a learning issue?

Has anyone had a DC take the WPPSI-III where the results were completely inaccurate?

I'm trying not to be the "I think my kid is brilliant" mom, but something just doesn't seem right. I had always heard that siblings are normally within 10 points when they share the same parents and background.