Olympus makes some water & shock-proof cameras that are pretty decent, and not super expensive.

We are planning on giving DS my husband's current iPhone (4), because he's going to get a new phone. We'll just take the sim out, so he can only use it on wifi, but he's going to be super-duper excited, I just know. Hah, he loves playing games on that thing.

We've also got a little netbook that I won from work that we're going to give to both kids, so they have their own computer to play on (right now they use mine.)

I'm debating on whether or not I can justify the cost of buying DS8 the Lego Mindstorms set. On one hand I know he'd go NUTS if I got it for him... on the other hand, it's like $350!!! That would be his only present, aside from the netbook & iphone.

For your son I'd recommend the Snap Circuits set, just because they are so awesome. They are simple enough in the start sets for a kindergartener, but can be much more advanced, if the child wants to go there with them.

If you don't want to shell out for the MindStorms set, check out the Technic line. Maybe you could get him one or two of those, plus the engine pack to power them.
