I started with my Insurance's behavioral health page and searched (for days!) until I found someone in my area who was a Neuropsych listed as being 'in-network'. Then I picked up the phone and called. I told them what was going on in school and with my son, and that we needed to get him tested to find out what all was going on (at that time I did not mentioned his being gifted, as we had a serious behavioral problem that seemed priority #1). We got an appt (6 months out) and finally got him assessed. Obviously she realized he was gifted once she met with him, but she was very experienced. I knew she was good when she talked about how smart he was, but not in a "oh goodness, your child is SOOO amazing and smart". She, instead, was like "clearly your child is very gifted and probably way ahead of his classmates, and he's also using his intelligence to manipulate those around him and to get out of work." It was amazing to have someone GET my child. And have good suggestions and next steps and recommendations for a 504.

Anyway, I got off-topic a bit there, lol. TL;DR - Try starting with your insurance company's behavioral health website.
