it's here! DS4 is starting the special ed preschool on Monday! We had an IEP meeting today when the final decision was made as to which class he would be going to. And while the special ed director was pushing for him being in the more "advanced" class of older kids, I with the support of both the school OT and ST was pushing for the less academically challenging but easier on the senses class with mainly younger kids and I got what I wanted (I better not regret it later! lol). I told the director I'd rather challenge him academically at home and not send him into class where he'd have a daily sensory overload plus with fine motor and social skills he's more like the younger kids so it should be a decent fit!

One other thing that came up during the meeting ... she suggested that since his birthday is in August and he'll be the most likely the youngest kid in his K class next year (and because I am at least for the moment against holding him a year behind) ... they may start him off as a pre-schooler but transition him into K during the year based on how he'll be doing. K is only half day here as well so it would probably be a fairly smooth change.

And ... his pre-school teacher also works as a one-on-one aid with a disabled K student this year so will hopefully keep him challenged with some K curriculum when she finds it necessary. So, overall I think we have a good plan!

Now I need to put together a "policy and procedure manual" on how to work with my son to minimize any major hiccups at the beginning smile

I also finally got some answers as to "gifted" education in our school district. Nothing until 3rd grade and then there's advanced Math based on testing (basically the next year curriculum) and advanced LA also starting in 3rd grade. SO, when it comes to DS2.5, I'm at a loss. He will absolutely need some sort of early acceleration or we'll all loose our heads! My secret plan is possibly homeschooling K and 1st a year ahead and then putting him in 2nd, which would advance him by a year and the school wouldn't be able to do anything against it since he would be formally home schooled and eligible for 2nd even though he'd be a year younger. ... but that's still couple years away!