Originally Posted by Cricket2
The thing to be careful of here is that the ITBS does not work like the MAPS. A standard score of 250, say, is not the same for a 3rd grader as it is for a 4th grader or a 5th grader. You really cannot compare across grade levels on the ITBS. The NCE, SS, and GE are all relative to how other kids would have tested or did test on that one grade level test only.

That is true to some extent, and I would certainly do further (out of level) testing before proposing anything like formal subject acceleration in a school setting, but a standard score of 250 is a standard score of 250 and it is very likely that the child would obtain that same SS if given the out of level test.

Originally Posted by Cricket2
The other thing to consider is that this GE of 8.9 is only on one piece of the language test. If her overall language test/composite language was similarly high, I'd agree that she's needing more in that one area.

My main point is that a GE of 8.9 is not as out there as it seems when viewed in the light of subject mastery.

Last edited by Kai; 10/30/12 11:42 AM.