Originally Posted by MotherofToddler
Who identified the tongue tie and lip tie? Early Intervention?

A friend on fb feed posted pics of her daughter's lip tie a few months ago and I began researching and discovered DD had lip tie and posterior tongue tie. I was lucky to have a local dentist who regularly sees them and fixes them with a laser, so we took her to him. He was able to diagnose officially and fix them both.

She's actually trying to copy more of our words this week, so we'll see where it goes from here.

ETA 2014 - if anyone finds this thread with the same questions wink -- she had a speech therapist after this, but she didn't need it. As soon as we fixed the lip and tongue ties she started talking. She's talking in very long sentences / paragraphs now at 3.5.

Last edited by islandofapples; 06/09/14 02:36 PM.