My son just turned 5 in September. He is a very sweet and shy boy. He has never been in a daycare or preschool setting and only ever been either one on one with me or a sitter. I was really worried about his social development and I knew he was extremely bright so I had him test into kindergarten since he only missed the cutoff by 20 days. His test scores did surprise me a little but I didn't think it was a big deal.

Well after a few days of K (he started 7days late) the teacher had some concerns because he was withdrawn. I was shocked he was having issues and she seemed to want him out after only 3 days. She said she could tell he hadn't been to preschool. After discussing it with a friend she said that his test scores indicated that he was gifted and so I began looking into that. He is really only moderately gifted according to the internet but the psychologist did recommend he get assistance in a gifted program (of course I have no money for that). The more I read about gifted kids the more clear mine came into focus. He is so sensitive and emotional. He isn't bad just very sensitive and only likes getting his way or his feelings get hurt. I thought he was just a brat so I was getting tougher on him because I felt that was ridiculous behavior.

Well after four more days of K they asked him to leave because he wasn't engaging and cried when he didn't get his way. By this time I compiled some information about gifted children but they didn't want to hear it at all. I was told he would mature by next year. Then the principal had the nerve to say that with his intelligence level she would have expected him to be reading already and her kids were reading at 4th grade level before kindergarten.

Honestly, perhaps I am behind the times but I, up to that point, hadn't ever tried to teach him to read. I am busy running a home business so he just quietly entertains himself all day. They said he wasn't writing his name as well as the other kids (it looked fine for 5) when really I was surprised he could write his name at all.

Now I have been working on flash cards with him so he will know all his letters and sounds before he goes next year and he knows 20/26 but its a chore to get him to work. Some days he spouts off all 26 other days he just refuses to participate and shrugs his shoulders like he has no clue what he is looking at. All he does is cry and say I just want to go play. According to the psychologist his "cognitive abilities are significantly advanced for his age" but he doesn't want to work!

I am really new to this gifted thing and I need advice on how to side step this emotionality its driving me nuts!!!! I feel like I'm trying to do what a specialist should be doing and I suck at it. I also have other things to tend to so I cant spend my whole day babying him. At least I have the reassurance that he will be the same next year but if I don't learn to deal with it all his teachers are going to label him as difficult.

Just need support thanks and sorry such a long post I felt the background was necessary to understand my situation.