Hello all. I've been lurking off and on for a while, but decided to jump out on that limb and introduce myself.

I am Canadian and a mother of three, a gifted 13 year old super high acheiver with anxiety, a gifted 11 year old who is lazy and unmotivated, and a very likely to be identified gifted 8 year old with wicked intensity problems.

So, we're having lots of fun over here. wink

I am always looking for ways to help my anxiety child chill and enjoy life, ways to motivate my underacheiving lazy bones who is super smart but no interest in doing more than the bare minimum, and of course, last but not least, a way for me not to lose my schmidt on my 8 going on 18 year old, who is like a little firecracker and could start exploding at any minute. Tears, anger, screaming, and yes, even hitting at times (as her poor brothers can attest to). It's really a work in progress, very slow progress, but we keep trying.

Anyway, stepping out from the shadows and looking forward to getting to know everyone better. Cheers!